
Testinka is a tool to manage your test suits based on YAML files.

Get started

Run Testinka by executing

npm run start

go to https://localhost:3000/?project={folder_name_of_project_in_data_dir}&scenario={name_of_scenario_file} to open a test. Replace {folder_name_of_project_in_data_dir} and {name_of_scenario_file} accordingly. The name of the scenario file should be given without the postfix - so if the file is called myapplication_basic_test.scenario.yml just pass myapplication_basic_test in the URL.

Here is a link to the demo test: http://localhost:3000/?project=testinka-demo&scenario=sprint_0_0_1_android

Deploy (Docker)

Deploy Testinka on a server by running

docker-compose up -d

it might be necessary to change the external port, depending on your setup

      - 3015:3000 #externalPort (change):internalPort (don't change)

the data directory can be updated during runtime - so no restart is required to reload new tests.


  • Test Suits: a collection of all tests for a specific application.

  • Section: organizes tests hierarchically within a test suite e.g. all login tests, feature tests.

  • Test case: can ideally be verified by a single tester in a short period of time and confirms a specific functionality, documents a task or verifies a project artifact.

  • Test step: single action within a test case, which can be done by executing a single action or at least very few.

  • Collection: a way to group different test cases in a functional unit.

  • Scenarios: a way to execute a test collection with variable parameters e.g. online test vs. offline test.

Build your own tests


  • Bash
  • yq

Run apt install yq to install yq.

To build your test suite and make it available, you have to run ./build.sh, this transforms all YAMLs in a JSON containing the entire structures and makes it available in the GUI.

Tests are organized in the following file structure:

 └ collections
   └ myapplication_basic_test.collection.yml
   └ myapplication_release_test.collection.yml
   └ myapplication_video_test.collection.yml
 └ scenarios
   └ myapplication_basic_test.scenario.yml
 └ suites
   └ e.g. login
     └ basic_login.testcase.yml
   └ e.g. player
     └ basic.testcase.yml

Test case

define your test case and the steps required to fulfill it. All testcase files must be named with the postfix .testcase.yml.

- &id_basic_test
  • &id_basic_test is the unique referrer which is used to link to this test case
  • steps are the steps of the test case, consisting of
    • name: which describes the step and makes clear what to do
    • description: additional information about how the step is to be executed
    • url: link displayed next to the name
    • expected_result: expected result to make clear if the test step was successful

All fields can be empty.


All collection files must be named with the postfix .collection.yml. define information about the collection and link individual test cases to it

- &collection_basic_test
    name: Basic Tests
    description: Description of this test collection
    - *id_basic_test
  • &collection_basic_test is the unique referrer which is used to link to this test case
  • test_cases list of test cases used in this collection
  • *- id_basic_test link to a test case, identified by the id "id_basic_test"


All scenario files must be named with the postfix .scenario.yml.

- &scenario_basic_test
    name: Basic Scenario (online/offline)
            collection: *collection_video_test
                - online
        -   collection: *collection_video_test
                - offline
  • &scenario_basic_test is the unique referrer which could be used to link to this test scenario
  • scenario: links to the collections with different variables/parameters
    • *collection: collection_video_test link to the collection with the referrer "collection_video_test"
    • variables variables which define this scenario