
IBM Schematics Workspace Template for public image BIG-IPs supporting Multiple NICs and Downloadable A&O declarations

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F5 Networks BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition Instance Creation using Catalog image

This directory contains the Terraform module to create BIG-IP™ VPC Gen2 instances using catalog input from the user.

Use this template to create BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition instances using catalog image from your IBM Cloud account in IBM Cloud VPC Gen2 by using Terraform or IBM Cloud Schematics. Schematics uses Terraform as the infrastructure-as-code engine. With this template, you can create and manage infrastructure as a single unit as follows. For more information about how to use this template, see the IBM Cloud Schematics documentation.

This template requires that the F5 TMOS™ qcow2 images be patched including the IBM VPC Gen2 cloudinit config and the full complement of tmos-cloudinit modules. The template also requires the f5-declarative-onboarding AT extension version 1.16.0 or greater be included in the patched image.

This Schematics template submits cloudinit user-data which utilizes the F5 Declarative Onboarding extension. Documentation for this extension can be found at:

F5 Cloud Documentation for the F5 Declarative Onboarding Extension

In addition to installing and utilizing the Declarative Onboarding extension, the image onboarding process also installs recent versions of the F5 Application Services 3 and Telemetry Streaming extensions. Documentation of these extensions, and the use of their control plane API endpoints, can be found at:

F5 Cloud Documentation for the F5 Application Services 3 Extension

F5 Cloud Documentation for the F5 Telemetry Services Extension

Once the BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition instance is onboarded through Schematics and the F5 Declarative Onboarding Extension, the extension endpoints can be utilized to orchestrate L4-L7 services and logging, creating a fully functional and declarative ADC. Multiple VNFs can be provisioned using the BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition with declared services.

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  • Have access to Gen 2 VPC.
  • The given VPC must have at least one subnet with one IP address unassigned (up to 5 are supported)
  • The BIG-IP™ image must be one of the public TMOS images available on IBM cloud listed below.
  • This template uses F5 Automation and Orchestration declaration URL downloads. This is a new feature in tmos-cloudinit. You must be using custom VPC images which are patched with the latest version of tmos-cloudinit modules.

Public BIG-IP™ images available on IBM Cloud are:

  • f5-bigip-15-1-2-1-0-0-10-ltm-1slot-1
  • f5-bigip-15-1-2-1-0-0-10-all-1slot-1
  • f5-bigip-16-0-1-1-0-0-6-ltm-1slot-1
  • f5-bigip-16-0-1-1-0-0-6-all-1slot-1

They are supported in the following regions:

  • us-south
  • us-east
  • eu-de
  • eu-gb
  • jp-tok
  • jp-osa
  • au-syd
  • ca-tor

User variable: tmos_image_name


  • Your VPC custom image name

If your regional custom image has the same name as the public image, your custom image will be used.

By default, if no declaration URLs are supplied, the BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition instances created with this template will not be licensed nor have anything but default provisioning performed. To license and declare resources and services, supply declaration URLs to download your F5 Automation and Orchestration declarations in JSON format.

For information on creating custom images for IBM cloud see TMOS Cloudinit

Device authentication

The user should create an SSH key in the IBM cloud region. The SSH key name should be included as a user variable.

User Variable: ssh_key_name

Once the image completes onboarding, SSH access to the root user is available on the defined management Floating IP.

The user should also provide an admin user password.

User Variable: tmos_admin_password

If no tmos_admin_password is provided, a randomized lengthy password will be set. The user can then access the device via SSH authorized key and set the admin password by using passwd admin.

Device Network Connectivity

Currently, IBM terraform resources do not provide the ability to obtain VPC subnets by their name. The user will have to know the subnet UUID as input variables.

At least one VPC subnet must be defined:

User Variable: management_subnet_id

If only the management_subnet_id id is defined, the BIG-IP™ will be created as a 1NIC instance. The management UI and APIs can then be reached on port 8443 instead of the standard 443.

Up to five network interfaces can be added to a IBM VPC instnace. If you define additional subnet IDs, these will be mapped to BIG-IP™ data interfaces starting with interface 1.1

User Variables:

cluster_subnet_id internal_subnet_id external_subnet_id do_declaration_url as3_declaration_url ts_declaration_url

CI Integration via Webhooks

When onboarding is complete, including optional licensing and network interface provisioning, the BIG-IP™ can issue an HTTP(s) POST request to an URL specified by the user.

User Variables:


The POST body will be JSON encoded and supply basic instance information:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "product": "BIG-IP",
    "version": "",
    "hostname": "f5-test-ve-01.local",
    "id": "27096838-e85f-11ea-ac1c-feff0b2c5217",
    "management": "",
    "installed_extensions": ["f5-service-discovery", "f5-declarative-onboarding", "f5-appsvcs", "f5-telemetry", "f5-appsvcs-templates"],
    "do_enabled": true,
    "as3_enabled": false,
    "ts_enabled": false,
    "metadata": {
        "template_source": "/f5devcentral/ibmcloud_schematics_bigip_multinic/tree/master",
        "template_version": 20200825,
        "zone": "eu-de-1",
        "vpc": "r010-e27c516a-22ff-41f5-96b8-e8ea833fd39f",
        "app_id": "undefined"

The user can optionally define an app_id variable to tie this instnace for reference.

User Variables:


Once onboarding is complete, the user can than access the TMOS™ Web UI, use iControl™ REST API endpoints, or utilize the F5 BIG-IP™ Extensibility Extensions installed.


When you apply the template, the infrastructure resources that you create incur charges as follows. To clean up the resources, you can delete your Schematics workspace or your instance. Removing the workspace or the instance cannot be undone. Make sure that you back up any data that you must keep before you start the deletion process.

*VPC: VPC charges are incurred for the infrastructure resources within the VPC, as well as network traffic for internet data transfer. For more information, see Pricing for VPC.


Before you can apply the template in IBM Cloud, complete the following steps.

  1. Ensure that you have the following permissions in IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management:
    • Manager service access role for IBM Cloud Schematics
    • Operator platform role for VPC Infrastructure
    • IP Spoofing Operator role for VPC Infrastructure Services
  2. Ensure the following resources exist in your VPC Gen 2 environment
    • VPC
    • SSH Key
    • VPC with multiple subnets

Configuring your deployment values

Create a schematics workspace and provide the github repository url (https://github.com/f5devcentral/ibmcloud_schematics_bigip_multinic/tree/master) under settings to pull the latest code, so that you can set up your deployment variables from the Create page. Once the template is applied, IBM Cloud Schematics provisions the resources based on the values that were specified for the deployment variables.

Required values

Fill in the following values, based on the steps that you completed before you began.

Key Definition Value Example
region The VPC region that you want your BIG-IP™ to be provisioned. us-south
instance_name The name of the VNF instance to be provisioned. f5-ve-01
hostname The hostname you want your BIG-IP™ to be provisioned. f5-ve-01
domain The domain you want your BIG-IP™ to be provisioned. local
tmos_image_name The name of the VNF image f5-bigip-15-1-2-1-0-0-10-all-1slot-1
instance_profile The profile of compute CPU and memory resources to be used when provisioning the BIG-IP™ instance. To list available profiles, run ibmcloud is instance-profiles. cx2-4x8
ssh_key_name The name of your public SSH key to be used. Follow Public SSH Key Doc for creating and managing ssh key. linux-ssh-key
management_subnet_id The ID of the management subnet where the instance will be deployed. Click on the subnet details in the VPC Subnet Listing to determine this value 0717-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-8fae-xxxxx
external_subnet_id The ID of the external subnet where the instance listens for virtual services. Click on the subnet details in the VPC Subnet Listing to determine this value 0717-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-8110-xxxxx

Optional values

Fill in the following values, based on the steps that you completed before you began.

Key Definition Value Example
tmos_admin_password The password to set for the BIG-IP™ admin user. valid TMOS password
cluster_subnet_id The ID of the management dedicated to configsync operations. Click on the subnet details in the VPC Subnet Listing to determine this value 0717-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-8fae-xxxxx
internal_subnet_id The ID of the internal subnet where the instance will communicate to internal resources. Click on the subnet details in the VPC Subnet Listing to determine this value 0717-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-8fae-xxxxx
do_declaration_url The URL to retrieve the f5-declarative-onboarding JSON declaration https://declarations.s3.us-east.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/do_declaration.json
as3_declaration_url The URL to retrieve the f5-appsvcs-extension JSON declaration https://declarations.s3.us-east.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/as3_declaration.json
ts_declaration_url The URL to retrieve the f5-telemetry-streaming JSON declaration https://declarations.s3.us-east.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/ts_declaration.json
phone_home_url The URL for post onboarding web hook https://webhook.site/#!/8c71ed42-da62-48ea-a2a5-265caf420a3b
tgactive_url The URL to POST L3 device configurations when TMOS tgactive script is executed
tgstandby_url The URL to POST L3 device configurations when TMOS tgstandby script is executed
tgrefresh_url The URL to POST L3 device configurations when TMOS tgrefresh script is executed
app_id Application ID used for CI integration a044b708-66c4-4f50-a5c8-2b54eff5f9b5


If there is any failure during VPC instance creation, the created resources must be destroyed before attempting to instantiate again. To destroy resources go to Schematics -> Workspaces -> [Your Workspace] -> Actions -> Delete to delete all associated resources.

Post F5 BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition Onboarding

  1. From the VPC list, confirm the F5 BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition is powered ON with green button
  2. From the CLI, run ssh root@<Management IP>.
  3. Enter 'yes' for continue connecting using ssh your key. This is the ssh key value, you specified in ssh_key variable.
  4. Use the tmsh shell.

Alternatively, the F5 Declarative Onboading, F5 Application Service 3, and F5 Telemetry Streaming service endpoints are available at:

https://<Management IP>/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding
https://<Management IP>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs
https://<Management IP>/mgmt/shared/telemetry

These endpoints provide declarative orchestration of multiple NFV functions including L4-L7 ADC funcationality, network firewalls, web application firewalls, and DNS services.

Troubleshooting Known Error States

The following errors were discovered in exhaustive testing of this Schematics template.

User providing invalid image name

F5 BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition images names can be specified to match either custom images within an account's VPCs or can use the images available as part of the IBM public cloud image catalog. The image ids for the public cloud images are enumerated in a map embedded within the template itself. If the image name provided can not be mapped to a VPC custom image name nor a public cloud image name embedded in the template, the following error will occuring in your plan or apply phase:

XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan | Error: Invalid index
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |   on compute.tf line 69, in locals:
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |   69:   image_id = data.ibm_is_image.tmos_custom_image.id == null ? lookup(local.public_image_map[var.tmos_image_name], var.region) : data.ibm_is_image.tmos_custom_image.id
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |     |----------------
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |     | local.public_image_map is object with 4 attributes
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |     | var.tmos_image_name is "bigip-16-0-0-0-0-12-all-1slot-us-south"
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan | The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform plan |
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform PLAN error: Terraform PLAN errorexit status 1
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Could not execute action

To remedy this error, provide a valid image name and re-plan or re-apply.

Failures within the Schematics service

If the Schematics system can not appropriately construct the execution environment for terraform, a continous repeat of the following log entries can be found at the end of the log of any of the workspace phase logs:

XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX  --- Ready to execute the command ---

If you experience this, please open a support case with IBM cloud so they can examine the Schematics error.

Failure in the IBM Terraform Providers running in the Schematics service

This template uses only community and IBM authored Terraform resource providers. Both of which are supported under Schematics.

There are no F5 Terraform resource providers used by this template, thus nothing to report to F5 when Terraform resources fail. All Terraform resources used in this template are supported by IBM.

When Schematics experiences an error with the community or IBM authorized Terraform resource providers, the cause of the issue will be in the log entries of the failing workspace phase logs. As an example, the following log entry will be present when the ibm_is_instance provider experiences issues with the IBM VPC Gen2 instance APIs:

XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform apply | ibm_is_instance.f5_ve_instance: Creating...
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform apply |
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform apply | Error: internal server error
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform apply |
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform apply |   on compute.tf line 109, in resource "ibm_is_instance" "f5_ve_instance":
XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Terraform apply |  109: resource "ibm_is_instance"

If you experience this, please open a support case with IBM cloud so they can examine the Schematic supported Terraform resource providers.

Failure in the F5 Automation and Orchestration declarations

Troubleshoot and validate declarations by checking the:


on the F5 BIG-IP™ Virtual Edition instance.