
Module to provision subnets in a VPC instance

Primary LanguageHCL

IBM VPC Subnets

Terraform module to provision subnets for an existing VPC. The number of subnets created depends on the value provided for _count. The created subnets will be named after the vpc with a suffix based on the value provided for label. Optionally, if values are provided for gateways then the subnets will be created with a public gateway.

Software dependencies

The module depends on the following software components:

Command-line tools

  • terraform - v13
  • kubectl

Terraform providers

  • IBM Cloud provider >= 1.22.0
  • Helm provider >= 1.1.1 (provided by Terraform)

Module dependencies

This module makes use of the output from other modules:

  • Resource Group - github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-ibm-container-platform.git
  • VPC - github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-ibm-vpc.git
  • Gateway - github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-ibm-vpc-gateways.git

Example usage

module "dev_subnet" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-ibm-vpc-subnets.git?ref=v1.0.3"
  resource_group_id   = module.resource_groups.id
  vpc_name            = module.vpc.name
  acl_id              = module.vpc.acl_id
  gateways            = module.gateways.gateways
  subnets             = var.subnets
  region              = var.region
  label               = var.label
  ibmcloud_api_key    = var.ibmcloud_api_key

Module Variables

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
region string The IBM Cloud region where the cluster will be/has been installed.
ibmcloud_api_key string The IBM Cloud api token true
resource_group_id string The id of the IBM Cloud resource group where the VPC has been provisioned.
vpc_name string The name of the vpc instance
acl_id string Optional. Use existing ACL for subnets
gateways list(object({id = string, zone = string})) List of gateway ids and zones []
label string Label for the subnets created default
subnets A map describing the subnets to be provisioned. Lists can contain IPV4 CIDR Blocks or total ipv4 address counts {
zone-1 = [
zone-2 = [
zone-3 = [
subnet_data list(string) A list of subnets to get from a data block. Conflicts with subnets. []
acl_rules List of rules to set on the subnet access control list. Conflicts with acl_id []

Module Outputs

Name Description
count The number of subnets created
ids The ids of the created subnets
names The ids of the created subnets
subnets The subnets that were created
acl_id The id of the network acl for the subnets
vpc_name The name of the VPC where the subnets were provisioned
vpc_id The id of the VPC where the subnets were provisioned