VPC Address Prefixes

This module is used to create any number of address prefixes across any number of zones in a single VPC.

As a module in a larger architecture

To use this module in a larger architecture without needing to pass in ibmcloud_api_key, remove standalone.tf.

Module Variables

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
ibmcloud_api_key string true
prefix string The prefix that you would like to append to your resources icse-dev
region string The region where VPC is provisioned eu-de
vpc_id string ID of the VPC where address prefixes will be created
address_prefixes object({ zone-1 = optional(list(string)) zone-2 = optional(list(string)) zone-3 = optional(list(string)) }) IP range that will be defined for the VPC for a certain location. Use only with manual address prefixes. { zone-1 = null zone-2 = null zone-3 = null }