Blob storage abstraction on top of AWS S3, Memory, Files and SQL Server. It's a bit leaky in that not all stores behave exactly in the same way and have different constraints towards names and metadata. Choose your blob names and metadata keys/values carefully - keep it simple. AWS S3 has no real concurrency mechanism and neither does Files.
// Memory
var memoryClient = new MemoryBlobClient();
// Files
var fileClient = new FileBlobClient(new DirectoryInfo("path-where-the-blobs-will-be-stored"));
// AWS S3
AmazonS3Client CreateClient()
return new AmazonS3Client(
new BasicAWSCredentials("your-access-key","your-secret"),
AmazonS3Config CreateClientConfig()
return new AmazonS3Config
LogMetrics = false,
DisableLogging = true,
DisableHostPrefixInjection = true,
ThrottleRetries = false,
UseHttp = true,
UseDualstackEndpoint = false,
UseAccelerateEndpoint = false,
EndpointDiscoveryEnabled = false,
ForcePathStyle = true,
ServiceURL = $"http://localhost:{_hostPort}"
var s3Client = new S3BlobClient(CreateClient(), "bucket-where-the-blobs-will-be-stored");
// SQL Server
var connectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("connection-string-of-database-where-the-blobs-will-be-stored");
var sqlClient = new SqlBlobClient(connectionStringBuilder, "schema-within-said-database");
The behavior you get across all of those is exposed via IBlobClient
public interface IBlobClient
// get a blob from storage including its name, metadata, content type and a way to open the content stream
Task<BlobObject> GetBlobAsync(BlobName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
// check if the blob is already in storage
Task<bool> BlobExistsAsync(BlobName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
// create a new blob in storage with name, metadata, content type and a content stream
Task CreateBlobAsync(BlobName name, Metadata metadata, ContentType contentType, Stream content, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
// delete a blob from storage
Task DeleteBlobAsync(BlobName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);