
Triggers CodeBuild project on CodeCommit push

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


This is an example serverless project for triggering CodeBuild on CodeCommit pushes. For some reason there is no trigger for that in AWS.


  1. Install requirements:

     npm install -g serverless
     npm install serverless-python-requirements
  2. Copy serverless.template.yml into serverless.yml

    Fill in the custom variables at the top.

    • project and projectArn refer to the CodeBuild project
    • repoArn refers to the CodeCommit repository from which to build

    Those should already exist. This only generates a lambda and the triggers.

  3. Run serverless deploy.

    After that any commit to the CodeCommit repository will start a CodeBuild.

    If you only want to act on a single branch (e.g. master), you can set it in custom variables.