
Time-based One-Time Password Client

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC

TOTP Client

RFC 6238 -compatible Time-based One-Time Password client that stores secrets in the system keyring.


usage: TOTP-Client [-h] [-v] [-n | -d | -l] [--hash HASH] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                   [--digits DIGITS] [--zero ZERO]

Stores TOTP secrets in system keyring and generates tokens based on them.

positional arguments:
  USER               username for the secret (required)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --version      show program's version number and exit
  -n, --new          encrypt and store new TOTP secret in keyring
  -d, --delete       delete a TOTP secret from keyring
  -l, --loop         loop producing new tokens as they expire, until
  --hash HASH        the HOTP hash algorithm (default: sha1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT  the TOTP timeout in seconds (default: 30)
  --digits DIGITS    token length in digits (default: 6)
  --zero ZERO        time to start counting from (default: 0)


Store the secret for an email address:

./totp-client.py -n user@example.com
TOTP key:
Encryption password:

Generate a one-time password to log in:

./totp-client.py user@example.com
Encryption password: