
Random Number Generator for Ceylon

Primary LanguageCeylonMIT LicenseMIT


Note: the modules com.vasileff.ceylon.random.api and com.vasileff.ceylon.random.java have been deprecated.

  • The module com.vasileff.ceylon.random.api has been replaced by ceylon.random, which is now part of the Ceylon SDK.
  • A new module com.vasileff.ceylon.random.extras containing platformRandom() and platformSecureRandom() will be available soon. This module will be based on the new ceylon.random SDK module.
  • A new module com.vasileff.ceylon.random.java containing JavaRandom, JavaSecureRandom, and JavaRandomAdapter will be available soon. This module will be based on the new ceylon.random SDK module.


The content of this repository is released under the MIT License as provided in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.

By submitting a "pull request" or otherwise contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the license mentioned above.