
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter Clone

A responsive React application that fetches Tweets from Twitter's API.

See it here




Search Twitter via content or username:


Click on a Twitter user profile to generate a random Tweet:



  1. clone project
  2. cd into project
  3. run npm i && npm i --prefix client
  4. touch .env (this will create a .env file)
  5. follow the .env_sample file (include your API Key & API Secret Key)
  6. run npm run dev
  7. open a browser and navigate to localhost:3000


This application utilizes Twitter's API to fetch Tweets. Users can search for a Tweet by a specific topic or by a Twitter username. Additionally, by clicking on a Twitter profile on the Random page, users can generate a random Tweet from any of the five Twitter profiles.

Twitter's API is handled via a Node server, with React handling the frontend.

Building this app was loads of fun and had several challenges along the way! Some of these challenges included working with authentication, error handling, and manipulating Twitter's data.

I look forward to adding more features, so stay tuned for more!
