Supports Hyprland >= 42.0
Hyprfloat is a project, presented by 4 console apps based on common library: hfopen
, hftogglefloating
, hfresizeactive
, hfmovewindow
This project is designed to simplify control of floating windows in Hyprland with keyboard and customize their behaviour using config and console arguments
bind = Super Shift, Return, exec, hfopen -s 600 450 -p cursor kitty
bind = Super Shift, R, exec, hfopen -s 700 650 -p center "nautilus --new-window"
bind = Super Shift, F, exec, hfopen -d -p cursor firefox
bind = Super Shift, Space, exec, hftogglefloating -p center
bind = Super, Space, exec, hftogglefloating -d -p cursor
bind = Super Alt, Left , exec, hfresizeactive -100 0
bind = Super Alt, Down , exec, hfresizeactive 0 100
bind = Super Alt, Up , exec, hfresizeactive 0 -100
bind = Super Alt, Right, exec, hfresizeactive 100 0
bind = Super Shift, Left , exec, hfmovewindow l
bind = Super Shift, Down , exec, hfmovewindow d
bind = Super Shift, Up , exec, hfmovewindow u
bind = Super Shift, Right, exec, hfmovewindow r
bind = Super Shift, X, exec, hfmovewindow -p center
bind = Super Shift, C, exec, hfmovewindow -p cursor
bind = Super Shift, Z, exec, hfmovewindow -p far
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You can get this information by using flag --help
or -h
with any binary
Default config path: $HOME/.config/hyprfloat/hf.toml
Usage: hfopen [OPTIONS] <EXECUTABLE>
<EXECUTABLE> Program to run (Example: "nautilus --new-window")
-f, --force Do not detect padding, even if 'detect_padding' option in config equals 'true'
-d, --default-size Resize window according to config parameter 'default_size'
-o, --origin-size Open small window and then resize it
-t, --tiled Open window floating, then tile
-s, --size <SIZE_X> <SIZE_Y> Set window size by x-axis to <SIZE_X>, by y-axis to <SIZE_Y>
-a, --at <AT_X> <AT_Y> Set window open position by x-axis to <POS_X>, by y-axis to <POS_Y>
-p, --position <POSITION> Open window according to <POSITION> value [possible values: l, left, r, right, t, top, b, bottom, tl, top-left, tr, top-right, bl, bottom-left, br, bottom-right, cursor, center, random, far, close, opposite, any]
-c, --config <CONFIG> Path to config file [default: /home/adex/.config/hyprfloat/hf.toml]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: hftogglefloating [OPTIONS]
-f, --force Do not detect padding, even if 'detect_padding' option in config equals 'true'
-d, --default-size Resize window according to config parameter 'default_size'
-s, --size <SIZE_X> <SIZE_Y> Set window size by x axis to <SIZE_X>, by y axis to <SIZE_Y>
-a, --at <AT_X> <AT_Y> Set window open position by x axis to <POS_X>, by y axis to <POS_Y>
-p, --position <POSITION> Open window according to <POSITION> value [possible values: l, left, r, right, t, top, b, bottom, tl, top-left, tr, top-right, bl, bottom-left, br, bottom-right, cursor, center, random, far, close, opposite, any]
-c, --config <CONFIG> Path to config file [default: /home/adex/.config/hyprfloat/hf.toml]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
# hfresizeactiveUsage: hfresizeactive [OPTIONS] <RESIZE_X> <RESIZE_Y>
<RESIZE_X> resize window by x-axis on <RESIZE_X> pixels according to config parameters
<RESIZE_Y> resize window by y-axis on <RESIZE_Y> pixels according to config parameters
-f, --force Do not detect padding, even if 'detect_padding' option in config equals 'true'
-n, --no-invert Do not invert resize in stick mode, even if 'invert_resize_in_stick_mode' option in config equals 'true'
-e, --exact Set size of floating window exactly <RESIZE_X> pixels on x-axis, <RESIZE_Y> pixels on y-axis
-c, --config <CONFIG> Path to config file [default: /home/adex/.config/hyprfloat/hf.toml]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: hfmovewindow [OPTIONS] [DIRECTION]
[DIRECTION] Direction to move window to [possible values: l, r, u, d]
-f, --force Do not detect padding, even if 'detect_padding' option in config equals 'true'
-p, --position <POSITION> Open window according to <POSITION> value [possible values: l, left, r, right, t, top, b, bottom, tl, top-left, tr, top-right, bl, bottom-left, br, bottom-right, cursor, center, random, far, close, opposite, any]
-c, --config <CONFIG> Path to config file [default: /home/adex/.config/hyprfloat/hf.toml]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version