
Generates simple charts in canvas with client side JS or Node.JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generates simple charts in canvas with client side JS or Node.JS with a responsive design. ChartCanvas has the following functions:

  • Cartesian charts
  • Pie charts
  • Multi axes charts
  • Support for Node.JS
  • Responsive design

Before you read this doc. I recommend see the example HTML file in doc directory.

Basic use

To use ChartCanvas class you must be include in your HTML: jQuery, ChartCanvas.js file, and chart types that you want to use in your project:

<!-- You must include this code in HEAD -->
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="ChartCanvas.js"></script>
  <!-- Now you must include the chart type you need-->
  <script src="types/ChartCanvas_axes.js"></script>
  <script src="types/ChartCanvas_pie.js"></script>

Then we must create one or more canvas elements with the attribute 'class = "ChartCanvas"'. For example:

<canvas id="canvas" width="805" height="315" class="ChartCanvas">
    Fallback content

Then we create an array of data that need to display in the graph, with the structure: array [[timestam1, value1], [timestam2, value2]] in the case of Cartesian graphs or array [[index1, value1] , [index2, value2]] in the case of "pie charts".

Once we have the array, we have to create the JSON string to serve as a setting for our graph. We will generate a graph of type "pie chart" as an example:

var dataArrayX = new Array();
var dataBar11_X = [
      [1, 2], 
  	  [2, 1],
      [3, 1],
      [4, 6],
      [5, 1],
      [6, 2]];
dataArrayX.push(dataBar11_X); //Each group of data to display in the chart is inserted into the main array. In this there is only one group becouse this is a Pie Chart

var jsonSettingsX = { "data" :    dataArrayX,
    "labels" : ['Pepe', 'Juan', 'Manolo', 'Ana', 'Eustaquio', 'Robustiana'],
    "graphTypes" : ["donut"]
var canvas = $.extend(new ChartCanvas($("#canvas")[0], jsonSettingsX), new ChartCanvas_pie(jsonSettingsX));
$("#canvas").data('ChartCanvas', canvas);

The result:

Pie Chart

If you look at the code above, we see that "ChartCanvas" extends in this case "ChartCanvas_pie" if it were a Cartesian graph extend "ChartCanvas_axes".

JSON Configuration

You can set the following vars with the configuration text in JSON:

Var Extension Description
bgColor axes [OPTIONAL. Transparent BY DEFAULT] Background color - {'bgColor' : '#ffffff'} //The values should be hex.
cellWidth axes [OPTIONAL] Width for each cell - {'cellWidth': value}
colors ALL [OPTIONAL] Colors for each group un chart - {'colors' : ['#42d316', '#457cbf', '#FF0000']} // Hex. values
data ALL [MANDATORY] Chart data - { 'data' : arrayData }
graphTypes axes, pie [OPTIONAL] Chart type as the extended class. They can merge two types superimposed on one canvas - {'graphTypes': ['type1', 'type2' ...]}
labels ALL [OPTIONAL] Labels for each group of graphic value. For pie charts each record is read as a group - {'labels': ['value1', 'value2' ...]}
multiYAxis axes [OPTIONAL] Boolean true / false. Tell whether each group will have different Y-axes values ​​(true) or share the same (false) - {'multiYAxis': value}
precision ALL [OPTIONAL. "day" BY DEFAULT] Minimum unit of time in a Cartesian graph - {'precision': value} / / Possible values ​​are: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year

Available extensions


Cartesian charts.

  • graphTypes: lines, linesFill, linesPoints, steps, stepsFill, bars, points


Pie charts.

  • graphTypes: donut, pie


Sets of values in a cartesian chart. Cartesian Graph

Here is the code:

var dataArray = new Array();

var dataBar11_0 = [
    [1338501600000, 2]
    , [1338933600000, 1]
    , [1339106400000, 1]
    , [1339279200000, 6]
    , [1340488800000, 1]
    , [1341093600000, 2]                                                    
var dataBar11_1 = [
    [1338588000000, 1]
    , [1338847200000, 1]
    , [1339279200000, 4]
    , [1339365600000, 1]
    , [1339538400000, 1]
    , [1339624800000, 1]
    , [1339711200000, 6]
    , [1340316000000, 3]
    , [1340402400000, 1]
    , [1340488800000, 2]
    , [1341007200000, 1]
    , [1341093600000, 1]            
    var dataBar11_2 = [
    [1338588000000, 3]
    , [1338847200000, 10]
    , [1339279200000, 8]
    , [1339365600000, 2]                
var jsonSettings = { "data" :     dataArray,
    "precision" : "day",
    "graphTypes" : ["points", "linesFill"],
    "labels" : ['Grafica 1', 'Otra grafica mas', 'Y otra']
var canvas = $.extend(new ChartCanvas($("#canvas")[0], jsonSettings), new ChartCanvas_axes(jsonSettings));
$("#canvas").data('ChartCanvas', canvas);

Using ChartCanvas with Node.JS

We can use ChartCanvas as a Node.JS module. Here is an example for convert a canvas into a PNG.

To install the necessary modules we move into the directory where you saved the ChartCanvas folder and run:

npm install canvas #Allow us to convert a canvas to PNG
npm install jsdom #Allows the use of JQuery on server

And here the code:

var Jsdom = require('jsdom');
var ChartCanvas = require('./ChartCanvas/ChartCanvas.js');  
var Extend = require('./extendClasses.js');
var Canvas = require('canvas')
    , fs = require('fs');
//Chart data------------------------------
    var dataBar11_2 = [
    [1338588000000, 3]
    , [1338847200000, 10]
    , [1339279200000, 8]
    , [1339365600000, 2]                
var jsonSettings = { "data" :     dataArray,
    "precision" : "day",
    "graphTypes" : ["points", "linesFill"],
    "labels" : ['Grafica 1', 'Otra grafica mas', 'Y otra']
    html: '',
    scripts: [
    }, function (err, window) {       
        var $ = window.jQuery;
        var canvas = new Canvas(800, 300);//Width and height
        var parent = new ChartCanvas(canvas, jsonSettings);
        //For Pie Chart
        var ChartCanvas_pie = require('./ChartCanvas/types/ChartCanvas_pie.js');
        var child = new ChartCanvas_pie(jsonSettings);
        /* //For cartesian graph
        var ChartCanvas_axes = require('./ChartCanvas/types/ChartCanvas_axes.js');
        var child = new ChartCanvas_axes(jsonSettings);
        var objCanvas = Extend.extend(parent, child);
        Canvas.ctx = objCanvas.ctx;
        var out = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + 'myPNG.png')
        , stream = canvas.createPNGStream();
        stream.on('data', function(chunk){

How to install ChartCanvas on Symfony2

  • You must modify composer.json file with the following code:

	"repositories": [
		        "type": "package",
		        "package": {
		            "name": "jvcalderon/ChartCanvas",
		            "version": "1.1.5",
		            "dist": {
		                "url": "https://github.com/jvcalderon/ChartCanvas/archive/1.1.5.zip",
		                "type": "zip"
	 "require": {
        "jvcalderon/ChartCanvas": "1.1.*"
  • Now you must update the vendors:

	composer update

That's all!

You can include the scripts in your Twig template with Assetic:

	{% javascripts
		<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}