This repository contains the implementation of the algorithms presented during the discipline of computer graphics, taught in the computer science course.
They were implemented using Javascript and the p5.js library. Through an interactive grid, the user can select the desired algorithm and view its output.
The extra
folder contains the implementation of a 3D scene using the Three.js library, also for Javascript. This scene presents basic concepts of: rendering, shadow and lighting, import of ready models, textures and control of vision and movement.
The easiet way to run both projects is by installing the Live Share VS Code extension. To do so, use the Extensions tab or install manually by pressing Windows + P
and pasting the command below.
ext install MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
Then, open the project folder in VS Code and press 'Go Live' in the right corner of the Status Bar. A local server should open in your browser in the next few moments.