
development of ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber, an addon to control the native Raspberry Pi camera in openFrameworks

Primary LanguageC++

STATUS: DEPRECATED, See ofxOMXCamera for future development/releases

Master may be unstable, features untested. See Releases for tested versions


openFrameworks addon to control the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. This does not provide still camera functionality.


openFrameworks .9 or higher Setup Guide
Developed with GPU memory set at 256, overclock to medium but 128/default should work as well
Desktop Mode (X11 enabled) may work but untested


Clone into your openFrameworks/addons folder Either copy one of the examples into /myApps or add ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber to the addons.make file in your project

LED Toggling requires gpio program provided via wiringPi
$sudo apt-get install wiringpi

The addon works in a few different modes:


Allows the use of:

  • Shaders
  • Pixel access
  • Overlays, etc
NON-TEXTURE MODE (or direct-to screen)

In non-texture mode the camera is rendered directly to the screen. It typically looks a bit faster/cleaner but no other drawing operations can happen.

Recording is available in both texture and non-texture modes



Shows different settings available to tweak the camera exposure, metering, cropping, zooming, filters, mirroring, white balance


Camera turns on and is rendered full screen via OMX acceleration
Press the "e" key to toggle through built in filters


Demos cropping, alpha, mirroring of direct display (not camera)


Camera turns on and renders to a texture that is drawn at full screen and a scaled version
Press the "e" key to toggle through built in filters


Basic shader usage with texture-mode
Press the "e" key to toggle through built in filters Press the "s" key to toggle shader


Alternative way to load a camera configuration through a text file


Recording of video in texture or direct mode


Drop-in replacement for ofVideoGrabber (texture-mode only)


Thanks to @tjormola for sharing his demos and exploration - especially in regards to recording https://github.com/tjormola/rpi-openmax-demos

and thanks to @linuxstb for helping get started with the camera and OpenMax https://github.com/linuxstb/pidvbip