
DikuMUD III using HTML and websockets.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


DikuMUD III using HTML and websockets.

D-Day June 21, 2020

Get in touch if you'd like to contribute. Check out the issues on Git. There are a few broader issues at the bottom of this file. Everything from non-programming to HTML to C(++). Drop a mail to seifert at dikumud.com. Look at the end of this file for a few items.

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Documentation goes here:


The Wiki docs are sync'ed into this GitHUB repo daily. Many thanks to @Damien Davison.


  • gcc/g++
  • flex/bison (sudo apt-get install bison flex)
  • boost devel (sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev)

How to build & launch

  1. First build the binaries:

    cd vme/src/
    make all # add -j8 to compile on 8 threads in parallel
  2. Make sure .def files are pre-processed:

    cd ../etc/
    make all
  3. Then compile the zones:

    cd ../zone/
    ../bin/vmc -m -I../include/ *.zon
  4. Now you're ready to launch, open four tabs in shell:

    cd ../bin/
    ./vme # tab1
    tail -f vme.log # tab2
    ./mplex -w -p 4280 # tab3
    tail -f mplex.log #tab4

You can also launch a telnet mplex using e.g. mplex -p 4242 And then telnet localhost 4242. But telnet is best for debugging

  1. To open the client

    cd ../www/client/
    firefox index.html

Set the host to your fqdn or localhost and set the port to match mplex (4280 if you used that) And you'll see the welcome screen in Firefox

I would appreciate help with:

  • I would appreciate any world builder wanting to create quests to be completed in order to join the various guilds. Right now there are four base teachers and they'll help you out for the first 10-20 levels. So some low level quest that e.g. gives access to the thieves guild, the paladin's guild, etc. It is OK if one player can complete several quests and join several guilds (the profession still dictates what is easy / hard to learn). Write me to discuss.

  • DOT files & Mapping:

    In the zone directory after compiling the zones, there's a valid DOT file for each zone. The DOT file is the graph description language that describes how the rooms are connected in the zone. And also how the zone connects to other zones. There is an example online tool here https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline which can visualize a zone (just paste each .dot file into the digraph {}. Would be fantastic if this could be used to maintain maps of the world, and even more so if these maps could be associated with coordinates so they can be visualized in the client. It's rather cumbersome to do them by hand - I've done three so far. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_(graph_description_language)

    If anyone is interested in helping out mapping coordinates or generating maps let me know. I've been using cMUD to do some test mapping. I think I have two young helpers that can assist me with the actual mapping and turning a boring map into a hand-drawn piece of art :)