
An API for RahkarPOS(free or ...) -> for Getting Price from MS-SQL Server and send to Payment terminal

Primary LanguagePython

رابط ارسال مبلغ به کارتخوان برای نرم افزار حسابداری راهکار

برای مستندات فارسی چگونگی راه اندازی رابط نرم افزاری لطفا به این لینک مراجعه کنید :

Payterminal PCPOS API For Rahkar Accounting

Tested on Free version of Rahkar

Suported Pay-Terminals:

  • Sadad
  • Persian E-Commerce
  • AsanPardakht
pos terminal api tkinter gui

Getting price from Rahkar MS-SQL Server and send to Payment terminal


  • Rahkar Accounting v6.0.0.0 (or v1.0.0.0 free) -> Get Rahkar Accounting (Free)
  • Enable checkout by Payment terminal in the Rahkar App
  • Microsoft SQL Server (E.g. Express 2008) -> Enabale TCP/IP access on TCP-Port 1433 with a read access with (user: PCPos_API - pass: toor)
  • (If you want to set special user and password for MSSQL -> change it on .env file on install location of PCPosAPI )
  • Enable PCPOS -> in the Sadad Payment Terminal and Pec Payment terminal (set: port and ip for device)
  • Enable or Install Microsoft .net framework 3.5 for Sadad Rest Correctly working
  • Sadad PCPOS Rest Service (Get from Sadad or Sadad Rest)
  • Pec Windows Service (Get From Pec or Get Service Installer)



  • Configure the .env file to set pay terminals IP and MySQL IP and user password etc … → .env file is on root of Installation location.
  • Everything explained on the config file (with comment)

Run From Source

  1. Install RahkarPOS v6.0.0.0 or v1.0.0.0 + Requirements
  2. For support Windows 7 -> recommend install Python 3.7.4
  3. Clone the repository
  4. Create a .venv in the project with -> python -m venv .venv
  5. Install requirement.txt in your .venv -> pip install -r requirement.txt
  6. Add .env file to .gitignore for hide from git
  7. Run: git update-index --assume-unchanged ..env for stop following it from git
  8. Edit .env file for your config and network design
  9. Run app with : python run.py

Compile to exe with PyInstaller

  • Run:

  • pyinstaller --name=PCPosAPI --noconsole --icon=assets\pos.ico run.py

  • Then copy folders : db, asset and file: .env to dist/PCPosAPI and run the app

Create a Setup file

  • I'm using InnoSetup for it is

For Contribute

  • At first we appreciate about your contribution
  • Use issues or Email : m.javidii@yahoo.com for your suggestion or etc
  • Or Create a pull request