
Simple MAUI example without using XAML

Primary LanguageC#


Simple MAUI example without using XAML

Inspired by https://github.com/jfversluis/MauiCSharpMarkupExample

Changes to the NET MAUI template project.

  • AppCSharp.cs replaces [App.xaml, App.xaml.css]
  • AppShellCsharp.cs replaces [AppShell.xaml, AppShell.xaml.cs]
  • MainPageCsharp.cs replaces [MainPage.xaml, MainPage.xaml.cs]
  • MauiProgram.cs now call AppCSharp.

MauiProgram.cs: code for creating and configuring the Application Object. AppCSharp.cs: create the initial window for the Application. AppShellCsharp.cs: intial page for the application and handle the registration of pages for navigation routing. MainPageCsharp.cs: define the layout and UI logic for the page displayed in the initial window.


Represents the cross plarform mobile application. AppCSharp.cs inherit from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application.


Page that provide fundamental UI features that most APP require. AppShellCsharp.cs inherit from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell


Pages are the root of the UI hierarchy inside of a Shell. MainPageCsharp.cs inherit from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage, it's a page that display a single view. ContentPage is one of the built-in page types offered by Net MAUI.


A content page typically displays a view (a way to retrieve and present the data). Examples: ContentView, ScrollView (this one it's used in the current example).

Controls and Layout

Views can contain a single control (button, label or text). A view is itself a control, so can contain another view. Controls are positioned in a layout. A layout defines rules by which controls are displayed relative to each other. A layout is a control.