
AC exercise

Primary LanguageKotlin

This is the "take home test" answer I returned in 2016 when interviewing for Agricool. Below is the README I provided, unedited, with original typos or mistakes :)


Agricool Exercise

This program analyzes temperature & humidity time-series from a grow-house to detect conditions opportune to the development of diseases, based on a set of rules.

Choices & design

  • The program is written in Kotlin, an easy-to-read, concise and safe general purpose language for the JVM, that I felt was suited for such an exercise. Also, it's very fun to write in.
  • I've designed the solution so that it would be simple to adapt and run "live". The main component, the "supervisor" exposes an observable stream of hot alerts using RxJava.
  • The supervisor mutable state is isolated in its own immutable structure that gets copied and updated when state changes. This is similar in nature to the state of a React component ; it helps to reason about the program and its data, makes it predictable and less prone to unexpected side-effects.


  • I've assumed sensor values are pushed to the system in natural time order
  • I've assumed a sensor value is "valid" until the next one received for that sensor
  • I've assumed all dates are given at Paris time


Here's the project structure overview. Some files are not listed for clarity.

├── main
│   ├── kotlin
│   │   └── exercise
│   │       ├── app.kt        # Entry point of the app. CLI parsing, CSV loading, etc.
│   │       ├── model.kt      # Domain models the supervisor manipulates
│   │       ├── rules.kt      # The actual rules evaluated by the program (oïdium, botrytis)
│   │       ├── supervisor.kt # The core supervisor engine that detects diseases conditions
│   │       └── utils.kt      # Various utils
│   └── resources             # CSV files directory
└── test
    ├── kotlin
    │   └── exercise
    │       ├── all-tests.kt  # Test suite with all tests
    │       └── test-utils.kt # Unit test helpers
    └── resources
        └── fixtures          # Test fixtures

Areas for improvement

  • In this version and for the sake of the exercise, the supervisor emits an alert when a "situation" is finished. In a real system, of course the alert must be emitted as soon as the time threshold for the situation is reached.

  • Here the rules are declared formally by instantiating a rule object. It would be better to propose a rule builder or a DSL to express rules and their expressions in simpler fashion. For example such a DSL could allow to express rules the following way, in a type-safe manner :

      "Botrytis" {
      	  when(temperature > 15)
      	  when(temperature < 25)
      	  when(humity > 90)
      	  for(600 minutes)

Building & running

You will need a JVM and Gradle to build the program from sources.

You can build the app using :

gradle build

And to run directly the entry-point that analyses the sample lab files provided :

gradle run

Running tests

You can run unit tests using :

gradle cleanTest test

Running from docker

Docker image is published at https://hub.docker.com/r/jvelo/ac-exercise/

Run with default provided log files :

docker run jvelo/ac-exercise

Run with custom log files fetched from HTTP URIs :

docker run jvelo/ac-exercise --temperature=http://pastebin.com/raw/GaFGfpPe --humidity=http://pastebin.com/raw/T3uTS4Sj

Building the docker image

The docker image is also built with gradle, using :

gradle distDocker