
jasmine-set brings rspec's let syntax to the Jasmine BDD Javascript testing framework.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Build Status

jasmine-set brings rspec's let syntax to the Jasmine behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. The set global function is provided, which allows the spec writer to define lazy global accessors that can be refined in nested specs. To achieve this behavior, the Suite.prototype.finish function from Jasmine is wrapped.

Why not let?

In Ecmascript, let is a reserved word that allows for block-level scoping (as opposed to var, which is functionally-scoped).

Sample Usage

describe 'House', ->
  set 'opts',  -> {}
  set 'house', -> new House(opts)

  it 'has a door', -> expect(house).toHaveADoor()

  describe 'with no doors', ->
    set 'opts', -> { doors: 0 }

    it 'does not have a door', -> expect(house).not.toHaveADoor()


  • underscore (~1.6)
  • node >= 0.8

Building from source

$ npm i
$ ./jake build

Running specs

$ ./jake spec [DEBUG=1] [SPEC=./spec/set.coffee]




Rapid7 2014