UITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design: http://dribbble.com/shots/1254439--GIF-Mobile-Form-Interaction?list=users
- 0
- 1
- 2
fatal error: module 'JVFloatLabeledTextField' in AST file
#225 opened by accapps - 0
Label with or without privacy
#226 opened by phonefixnicole - 3
Small improvement suggested
#162 opened by FrizzTheSnail - 0
Push latest changes to CocoaPods
#224 opened by vruzeda - 2
- 1
Xcode 12 warnings with Swift Package Manager
#219 opened by JechtSh0t - 3
JVFloatLabeledTextView unavailable via SPM & Xcode 12.5
#220 opened by s4cha - 0
Feature Request: Add support for multi-line floating labels and Dynamic Type
#222 opened by parrotbait - 3
Xcode 12 Support
#214 opened by theswaolincode - 1
Error when I updated to Swift 4.2
#199 opened by bretthales - 2
Problems with iOS 10.2 - infinity cycle
#187 opened by ed8009 - 0
Warnings with Xcode 10.2
#201 opened by hipwelljo - 1
- 1
- 4
Version 1.2.2 not available via SPM
#212 opened by SeanAsby - 1
Add support for SwiftPackageManager
#206 opened by Schaefers - 0
- 0
Floating label active text color.
#209 opened by rodionov-andrei - 0
Dark mode issue (dark background, dark text)
#207 opened by neobie - 0
FloatingLabelText disappears
#202 opened by iOSSandeepKhade - 5
- 0
Flag to make the calculation of the leftView and leftViewMode to be taken into account or not
#197 opened by kuyazee - 1
Block warnings XCode 9.3 - Still being maintained?
#190 opened by RVijay007 - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
Not reflecting latest updated while update pod.
#189 opened by kumarabnit - 2
Manually display floating text
#161 opened by eggnima - 2
How to use JVFloatLabeledTextField in objective c ?
#188 opened by Lyankar - 2
- 2
IB Designables Failed to render and update auto layout status for UIViewController
#175 opened by Balagurunath - 2
Not able to import the classes
#172 opened by nipun0505 - 0
Incorrect placeholderYPadding for case placeholderYPadding > floatingLabelYPadding
#185 opened by vovkaprigarin - 1
Activated Floating Label ellipsize on font change
#183 opened by PopovskaS - 3
Presetting text programatically loses padding
#174 opened by pratikgujarati7 - 0
Keyboard collapses on iPad when user types
#181 opened by hethcox - 1
FloatLabel clipped when setting floatingLabelXPadding in iOS 9 and earlier.
#180 opened by jelteliekens - 2
- 0
when set text in middle alignment show in left in JVFloatLabeledTextView
#179 opened by salah-mohammed - 0
A TextView with a multiline placeholder does not display correctly when 'scrollEnabled' is set to false.
#177 opened by MattCarr147 - 1
- 0
Is there a way to manually animate the show/hide?
#173 opened by sainttail - 1
Reading from private effective user settings.
#171 opened by riyanpratamap - 4
- 1
All JVFloatLabel Collapse.
#168 opened by ParvendraS88 - 1
Couldn't change Placeholder color
#169 opened by codemaster730 - 0
#167 opened by lifengios - 1
Support Storyboard hope
#166 opened by lifengios