How to create, develop, and distribute iOS Static Frameworks quickly and efficiently
- 0
Module compiled with Swift 5.1.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.3 Compiler
#121 opened by VetriThiyagu - 2
Update README to include instructions on how to create a 'pure build' without third party libraries
#98 opened by kharmabum - 0
Show dog breed and dog name in Admin.
#120 opened by thekat1 - 10
- 8
- 0
Header Files Visiblity
#119 opened by ondevDeepA - 1
Error when creating Universal Build
#117 opened by ondevDeepA - 1
Error when creating Universal Build
#118 opened by ondevDeepA - 2
- 1
Xcode 7 does not have armv7s in $(ARCHS_STANDARD)
#115 opened by gjpc - 0
XCode 7.1 Archive upload failure
#116 opened by rabidrebeldog - 2
- 4
Can I use cocoapods in my framework?
#111 opened by wenzhaot - 1
Using [NSBundle bundleForClass] gives bad path
#107 opened by loretoparisi - 1
.a is not being created during build
#104 opened by bdparrish - 3
Build active target only needs deleted
#77 opened by malhal - 2
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There are xcdatamodel files in frameworks, how can I package the mom files into resource bundle?
#106 opened by foolbear - 0
Issue post start up.
#105 opened by hifall - 1
- 2
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nested .bundle's possible?
#101 opened by mrtristan - 0
Will it generate dSYM file?
#99 opened by langyufei - 0
Comment: empty projects will not be built (!)
#97 opened by wspruijt - 1
Unable to archive with arm64
#96 opened by fuggly - 1
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folders within framework
#87 opened by mrtristan - 6
unrecognized selector sent to an instance
#92 opened by gtasko - 0
- 0
"Framework distribution target" step fails when static library depends on another static library
#78 opened by ide - 3
Instructions for building a Framework w/ Cocoapods
#88 opened by GSatko - 0
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Support arm7s
#89 opened - 4
Cannot build DependentApp with xcodebuild
#73 opened by schwa - 1
`Undefined symbols for architecture i386` when using the `Framework` built with scheme `iOS device`
#69 opened by smilingpoplar - 4
iOS-Framework Question: What else can be included, from other third-party libraries (.a, .framework, .dylib files) when making your own framework?
#67 opened by program247365 - 1
- 1
Undefined symbols for architecture i386/armv7
#84 opened by lobertranin - 0
Undefined symbols for architecture i386/armv7
#85 opened by lobertranin - 2
Does not compile as fat library
#81 opened by tankista - 3
Add Copy Headers under Build Phrase of Build Setting?
#79 opened by adison - 10
Linking Storyboard to Main Project
#66 opened by cmconlan - 2
minor tweak needed in docs
#71 opened by mrtristan - 2
- 7
Framework not able to build for iOS7 64-bit target ($(ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT))
#61 opened by S3Paramasivan - 0
Problem making Archive
#72 opened by iosware - 1
Compile issues
#70 opened by ninthcoast - 1
Moving static library from Products directory
#68 opened by aolszak - 2