This repo contains experiments with possible implementations of structured logging with cats-effect
- log commands are side-effecting programs, based on
- objects provided to log commands should appear as JSON in logs
- they're searchable in Kibana
- we won't duplicate the objects in message itself to reduce size
- logs will contain appropriate context
- the context can be programmatically augmented
- works in a stack-like manner, including shadowing
- works well with
and related libraries (is not bound toThreadLocal
/fat JVM thread like slf4j's MDC)
- other useful metadata in logs
- timestamp
- file name
- line number
- loglevel as both string and number
- ... to be specified
- JSON keys will be just strings, at lest for the beginning
- thin wrapper over
- each logging statement is inlined on the same line using macros
- rest of the logging pipeline works as expected
- JSON logging
- uses
for JSON log formatting - uses Jackson for the encoding of log parameters by default (imported by Logback Logstash encoder anyway; can be overridden if necessary)
- uses
- CPU expensive or side-effectful actions can be passed to logs
- will be memoized == computed only once or never at all, if log level too low
trait LoggingContext[F[_]] {
type Self <: LoggingContext[F]
def withArg[A](name: String,
value: => A,
toJson: Option[A => String] = None): Self
def withComputed[A](name: String,
value: F[A],
toJson: Option[A => String] = None): Self
def withArgs[A](map: Map[String, A], toJson: Option[A => String] = None): Self
def use[A](inner: F[A]): F[A]
trait Logger[F[_]] {
type Self <: Logger[F]
def withArg[A](name: String,
value: => A,
toJson: Option[A => String] = None): Self
def withComputed[A](name: String,
value: F[A],
toJson: Option[A => String] = None): Self
def withArgs[A](map: Map[String, A], toJson: Option[A => String] = None): Self
// excerpt for `info` logging
def info: LoggerInfo[F]
trait ContextLogger[F[_]] extends LoggingContext[F] with Logger[F] {
type Self <: ContextLogger[F]
class LoggerInfo[F[_]]() {
def apply(message: String): F[Unit] = macro ???
def apply(message: String, throwable: Throwable): F[Unit] = macro ???
def program(logger: ContextLogger[Task]): Task[Unit] = {
val ex = new InvalidParameterException("BOOOOOM")
for {
_ <- logger
.withArg("a", A(1, "x", Array[Byte](127)))
.withArg("o", o)
.info("Hello Monix")
_ <- logger.warn("Hello MTL", ex)
_ <- logger.withArg("x", 123).withArg("o", o).use {
logger.withArg("x", 9).info("Hello2 meow")
} yield ()
_ <- logger
.withArg("a", A(1, "x", Array[Byte](127)))
.withArg("o", o)
.info("Hello Monix")
"@timestamp": "2020-01-08T02:31:16.503+01:00",
"@version": "1",
"message": "Hello Monix",
"logger_name": "slf4cats.example.Main$",
"thread_name": "scala-execution-context-global-13",
"level": "INFO",
"level_value": 20000,
"a": {
"x": 1,
"y": "x",
"bytes": "fw=="
"o": {
"a": {
"x": 123,
"y": "Hello",
"bytes": "AQID"
"b": [
"c": {
"r": 456
"application": "loggingexperiment",
"caller_class_name": "slf4cats.example.Main$",
"caller_method_name": "$anonfun$program$5",
"caller_file_name": "Main.scala",
"caller_line_number": 66
_ <- logger.warn("Hello MTL", ex)
"@timestamp": "2020-01-08T02:31:16.520+01:00",
"@version": "1",
"message": "Hello MTL",
"logger_name": "slf4cats.example.Main$",
"thread_name": "scala-execution-context-global-13",
"level": "WARN",
"level_value": 30000,
"stack_trace": " BOOOOOM\n\tat slf4cats.example.Main$.program(Main.scala:61)\n...",
"application": "loggingexperiment",
"caller_class_name": "slf4cats.example.Main$",
"caller_method_name": "$anonfun$program$9",
"caller_file_name": "Main.scala",
"caller_line_number": 67
_ <- logger.withArg("x", 123).withArg("o", o).use {
logger.withArg("x", 9).info("Hello2 meow")
"@timestamp": "2020-01-08T02:31:16.539+01:00",
"@version": "1",
"message": "Hello2 meow",
"logger_name": "slf4cats.example.Main$",
"thread_name": "scala-execution-context-global-13",
"level": "INFO",
"level_value": 20000,
"x": [
"o": {
"a": {
"x": 123,
"y": "Hello",
"bytes": "AQID"
"b": [
"c": {
"r": 456
"application": "loggingexperiment",
"caller_class_name": "slf4cats.example.Main$",
"caller_method_name": "$anonfun$program$16",
"caller_file_name": "Main.scala",
"caller_line_number": 69