JVG's Angular + A-Frame REA Demo

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run node server.js to allow CORS proxy server
  3. In a separate terminal, run npm run start

Using the app

The CORS server must be running to allow cross-domain requests to REA.

Enter a property ID (eg. 123644458) in the search bar and press return; the app will load the image assets from REA and then build an A-Frame scene with it.

Auto-mode / Running Without CORS server

In js/app.js, make var auto = true to load local data without having to set up a separate CORS server. This is essential if you want to test the Mobile AR version.

Mobile AR Version

You can test the AR-ish version of this demo (only tested on Android) while on the same WiFi network as your server. Just connect to the IP address and port logged after doing npm run start in your mobile browser.

However, auto-mode must be set to true or else no images will load.