
Repository for dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Justin's dotfiles

Setup new system

The idea is to run setup-a-new-machine.sh and the script does everything for you including:

  • Install applications with brew and brew cask
  • Setup dotfiles for zsh, nvim, tmux and more
  • Set my new system defaults (see .osx)

Symlink everything using stow

The stow command creates symlinks for the content of the package (folder) in the parent of the present working directory.

Example Current dir ~/dotfiles

└── .config
    └── nvim
        ├── autoload
        │   └── plug.vim
        ├── config
        │   └── keys.vim
        └── init.vim

Run with verbose flag

stow -v vim

Results in creating symlinks

~/.config/nvim -> "~/dotfiles/vim/.config/nvim"

Handy command to know

# Dry run (don't change anything)
stow --no

# Delete links
stow -D ...

# Restow (recreate symlinks) with verbose output
stow -Rv ...

Terminal Emulator

I use Alacritty as my main Terminal Emulator. See dotfiles for configuration.


I use zsh as my main shell. I used to use zprezto but migrated to an minimal own implementation because it didn't use like 90% of it. Some configurations are inspired by zprezto though.

Missing / Issues

Migration from zprezto findings to be resolved:

  • Autocomplete git branches


For all unknown (and self-reference) a little explanation for every file included

zsh (Stow package) Contains aliasses for frequently used functions

git (Stow package)

other Directory with other misc stuff


Some references where I got my dotfiles inspiration from.


TODO for complete installation

  • Set karabiner config to correct path
  • How to encrypt personal data like .ssh/config ?