
AddressBook backend API test project for STRV

Primary LanguageRuby


Technical stuff

  • Ruby Version: ruby 2.4.0
  • Rails Version: Rails 5.1.1
  • RVM: Ruby enVironment Manager 1.29.1

Gems used

  • devise_token_auth
  • cancancan
  • firebase
  • rspec

Entity Relationship Diagram



Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 3.05.05 PM.png

Swagger is not configured to reach the endpoints properly, just use it as a guide to know which endpoints are available and the structure for those.

Things to consider

  • There is only one admin user: email: amartinez@strv.com password: 12345678
  • The headers follow the RFC 6750 Bearer Token format. You need to pass to each request 5 headers: Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 5.02.53 PM.png
  • Every response will provide a new token and expiry which you should use for the next request.
  • You have the ability to associate multiple organizations registering a new user (By default it will be a regular user), to do that you should pass: Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 5.11.00 PM.png

Things to improve

  • Implement some representer pattern through a gem like ROAR or any similar, you will see null values in the properties in the response if they are not set.