
Node powered scraper that iterates trough all the internal links of the specified url. It works on CSR pages (React, Angular) with dynamic urls.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

License NPM Version NPM Downloads

A node.js powered scrapper 🔥 that iterates trough all the internal links of the specified url.

It works on CSR pages (React, Angular) with dynamic urls.

Once it is done it generates a sitemap.xml file with all the urls found, ready to be uploaded to Google Search Console.


$ sitemap https://vvlog.dev


Parameter type default description
--wait integer 1500 Specify the time (milliseconds) to wait (So the fetches are completed) before starting to parse the page.
--limit integer 999999 Specify the limit of urls to parse before stopping the scrapper.


  • Make it a NPM package.
  • Make wait time dynamic in response of fetches inside url.
  • New params that lets you specify how deep you want to go inside the url.
  • Integrate it as part of build process of a create-react-app.
  • Clean old code.