The purpose of claudius
is to provide easy access to ….
“Claudius Clavus […] (born 14 September 1388), was a Danish geographer sometimes considered to be the first Nordic cartographer […] In 1412–13 at the age of 25 he started to travel around Europe and appeared eleven years later (1423–24) in Rome. It is believed he travelled as far north as the 70°10’ N. lat. In Rome he became friends with the cardinal Giordano Orsini and the pope’s secretary Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini, who were among those working to update the old Roman cartography. Claudius contributed to a more realistic description of Nordic countries, in particular Iceland and Greenland, and was probably the first cartographer to put Greenland on a map. He is also known for having named Greenlandic places by using lyrics from old folk songs.”
provides easy access to data provided by other sources that
provide data for free and without credentials. For a systematic
list of providers, see the acknowledgements below.
The lion’s share of the data accessed through claudius
is provided by
Danmarks Adressers Web API
(DAWA). DAWA is developed and run
by the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency
(SDFE). SDFE’s terms of
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if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
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