
Python - selenium solution to automatically reboot Netgear router if internet is disconnected

Primary LanguagePython

Reboot Router Solution

Purpose: Check for an internet connection and if there is not one, open the router web ui and 'press' the reboot buttom.

Requirements: This solution is built for a Netgear C7800 modem / router but could be used for any Netgear router with the same ui. (e.g., my previous Netgear router had the same ui)


  1. Run pip install -r requirements from the folder you installed Reboot_Router to install the required python packages.

  2. Download and install firefox geckodriver if you do not already have it installed on your machine. Follow the instructions here: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases

  3. Create a file named 'params.ini' in your directory and populate it like this:

        Gecko_Path: full path to the firefox geck driver executable
        User_Name: user name usually set as admin
        Password: your router password
  4. Create a windows "autocheck.bat" file and populate it like this:

        @echo off
        cd 'full path to where reboot router is installed'
        python main.py >> routercheck.log
  5. Add a scheduler task in Windows to run the autocheck.bat file every 15 minutes.

  6. (Optional): Your log files may grow to be large so you could also create and schedule a windows cleanlog.bat file and populate it as follows:

        @echo off
        cd 'full path to where reboot router is installed'
        for /f %%a in ('powershell -Command "Get-Date -format yyyy_MM_dd__HH_mm_ss"') do set datetime=%%a
        copy routercheck.log %datetime%_Backup_routercheck.log
        copy geckodriver.log %datetime%_Backup_geckodriver.log
        rem delete older logs - keep last 4 weeks
        for /f "skip=8 eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /o-d /a-d 2*.log') do @del "%%F"