

Let's Cook Android is a project that uses a modern approach to Android application development using Kotlin and the latest tech-stack.


  • Splash with logo
  • Recipes list with search field
  • Recipe details


Clean Architecture with MVVM using Repository Pattern

Languages, libraries and tools used

  • Kotlin
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Android Architecture Components
  • Epoxy
  • Dagger Android
  • Room
  • OkHttp
  • Retrofit
  • Moshi
  • Mockito
  • JUnit4

Project Structure

The project is using Clean Architecture with packages presentation, domain and data.

  • The presentation package is using MVVM with live data.
  • The domain package has all the Use Cases & Repositories.
  • The data package is using the Repository Pattern to get data from Remote and/or from Cache.

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