A project in PHP to perform several mathematical informatics tasks.

Primary LanguagePHP


This PHP code performs multiple runs of three optimization algorithms on three different test functions and outputs the results.

The three optimization algorithms are:

  1. randomSearch
  2. localSearch
  3. stochasticHillClimber

The three test functions are:

  1. dejongOne
  2. dejongTwo
  3. schwefel

The code performs 30 runs of each algorithm on each test function and stores the results in the $minims array.

Then, it calls the printTableResults function 9 times to print the results of each algorithm on each test function.

The randomSearch, localSearch, and stochasticHillClimber functions perform the optimization on the respective algorithm and the input function, and return an array of fitness values.

The dejongOne, dejongTwo, and schwefel functions are the test functions that the optimization algorithms are applied to.

The frand function generates random numbers within a specified range and precision.

The getRandomNeighbor function generates a random neighbor within a specified neighborhood and range for the localSearch algorithm.