
a tiny MNIST model as a web app

Primary LanguagePython

Online MNIST

An MNIST model deployed online as a full stack application.
Potential Roadmap:
- Deploy as service using Fly.io or github pages
- Further train my model with more epochs and datasets

Tech Stack

Front End: Javascript/HTML/CSS

Backend: Python: Flask, Pytorch

Libraries/Dependencies: Ajax, Axios, Matplotlib, PIL


Model Details

The model is small and simple.
In brief the model used:
-A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
-3 epochs with a learning rate of 0.01
-Train batch size of 64, Test batch size of 1000

On the MNIST dataset, the model performed quite well, with a 97% accuracy:

App Screenshot

However, the model struggled on the data sent through the web app. Potential issues could be: lack of training, issues with converting HTML5 Canvas images to testing images, or more.


Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/d0ngeun/Online-MNIST.git
    cd Online-MNIST

Train the model

    cd ML_Model
    python3 model.py

Launch the Flask app

    python -m flask --app server run
