
How to compile:

g++ -g main.cpp Sorting/* Graph/* -o OpenLake.out

Contributing Guidelines:

Once you submit a pull request, it must be reviewed by at least 2 mentors before being merged. You must put your name and roll number as comment in the pull request to make sure that it is reflected in the leaderboard. There are 4 types of pull requests anyone contributing to the code should submit. The type of pull request will be mentioned by the reviewers.

Type 1:

Contain any constructive change to the repo including any single character changes.

Type 2:

Contain changes in the documentation of at least one function and adhere to the existing format.

Type 3:

Contain at least some changes to code. Including optimizations.

Type 4:

Full implementations of incomplete functions or improvement in the compilation command.

Good Luck and Have Fun

Also don't be disappointed if you recieve some strict code reviews. ;-)