- 2
- 1
- 6
Crash when using whitelist tool
#104 opened by NathanVss - 7
cannot make build
#120 opened by verybigelephants - 0
- 0
php-malware crashed if not run from it's own dir
#115 opened by shaygover - 7
More info
#97 opened by fernandoch777 - 1
How to whitelist
#108 opened by fernandoch777 - 1
Is this a truly backdoor and where is it?
#110 opened by hugonh - 3
- 1
Fails to find a lot of malware
#107 opened by simplenotezy - 1
Use without yara
#106 opened by simplenotezy - 2
Bro ,Can anyone help ,How to Fix it?? i am Noob
#105 opened by kingsalman99 - 2
detecting PHP in images
#93 opened by vinnytroia - 2
Whitelisting portions of file
#103 opened by NathanVss - 6
- 3
php.yar warning
#101 opened by GlenBleidd - 1
Maybe keep the samples in a separate repo ?
#99 opened by HenkPoley - 2
How to install
#85 opened by tibu - 6
- 3
Updated whitelists?
#59 opened by Kramerican - 9
- 2
unknown module "hash"
#98 opened by sherbn - 5
It is detecting all wordpress files
#96 opened by fernandoch777 - 5
getting running with yara
#94 opened by jdnrg - 5
Spip whitelist support
#89 opened by camlafit - 5
Installling on macOS?
#92 opened by Backpackstudio - 5
- 3
- 5
Clean up our main script
#65 opened by jvoisin - 2
- 2
warning shown in php.yar file
#81 opened by ufairiya - 1
- 8
External logging
#79 opened by Geolim4 - 2
Installation instructions
#77 opened by rotemreiss - 0
@include should generate a warning
#71 opened by lcssanches - 1
Improve your ruleset?
#68 opened by wireghoul - 0
Detect more htaccess-based webshell
#69 opened by jvoisin - 3
Whitelist not working
#55 opened by furiatona - 1
Add detection for Nano
#67 opened by jvoisin - 1
Generate whitelist 404
#66 opened by acosonic - 1
Check this batch of samples
#63 opened by jvoisin - 0
Remove the "mail" command in
#64 opened by nicocha30 - 2
Better information / context in output
#62 opened by Kramerican - 2
Option to exclude images/specific filetypes
#60 opened by Kramerican - 1
How do config files work?
#61 opened by Kramerican - 3
- 2
- 1
Undetected sample: 'awvjtnz'
#58 opened by robbat2 - 1
php backdoors repo to check pmf against
#52 opened by shaddai