Security module for php7 and php8 - Killing bugclasses and virtual-patching the rest!
- avindraUnited States
- bitfuEngland / UK
- blotusCrowdsec
- buixor
- carnevluFribourg (Swiss)
- cgzones
- conqu3r
- cypherbits
- deba12
- DenisSalemFrance
- eemailme
- evandrixUndisclosed
- felipegabriel
- fiveways
- gilzow@platformsh
- he2ss
- iefuzzerCargo Capital
- ivanrosolenStone
- jhcloos
- jvoisinGoogle
- kevmilleSasebo Tech
- kjojo-zz
- kkadosh
- mgaulton
- Neodiablow
- Neustradamus
- pvodickaBrno, Czech Republic
- remicolletRed Hat Inc, Fedora Project, Remi's RPM Repository
- RowdyElectron
- sabban
- scratcher28Russia
- smagninFRANCE
- stephenfeatherFeather Arms
- temafeyKiyv
- umair-aminocom
- wargio@rizinorg