
A package manager for bash scripts and functions.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A package manager for bash scripts and functions.

Build Status


  1. Checkout basher on ~/.basher

    $ git clone git://github.com/basherpm/basher.git ~/.basher
  2. Add ~/.basher/bin to $PATH for easy access to the basher command-line utility.

    $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.basher/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

    Ubuntu Desktop note: Modify your ~/.bashrc instead of ~/.bash_profile.

    Zsh note: Modify your ~/.zshrc file instead of ~/.bash_profile.

  3. Add basher init to your shell to enable basher runtime functions

    $ echo 'eval "$(basher init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

    Same as in previous step, use ~/.bashrc on Ubuntu, ~/.zshrc for Zsh.


Installing packages

$ basher install sstephenson/bats

This will install bats from https://github.com/sstephenson/bats and add bin/bats it to the PATH.

Using package runtimes

If a package exports a runtime, you can include it in the current shell by running, for instance:

require juanibiapina/gg

Command summary

  • basher commands - List commands
  • basher help <command> - Displays help for a command
  • basher uninstall <package> - Uninstall a package
  • basher update - Update basher to latest version from master
  • basher list - List installed packages
  • basher outdated - List packages which are not in the latest version
  • basher upgrade <package> - Upgrades a package to the latest version


Packages are github repos (username/repo) which contain a package.sh file with the following format:


BIN is a ":" separated list of binaries that will be added to the path.

RUNTIME is a file that will be sourced when using the require function.

If a package.sh file is not found, basher will try to link any binaries inside the bin folder of the project.


To run the tests, install bats:

$ basher install sstephenson/bats

and then run:

$ bats tests