
A ZeroTier client and BIRD Router in Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile

ZeroTier BIRD Router in Docker

Docker image

This docker container runs the ZeroTier client and BIRD 2.0 routing daemon. This is useful for running a BGP router attached to ZeroTier network.

The image is built on Alpine Linux to keep deployment size minimal.

For a Zerotier only client in docker see zerotier-docker which served as the inspriation for the included ZeroTier client.


Option 1: From Github Container Registry

  1. Pull image the image

    docker pull ghcr.io/jvoss/zerotier-bird-router/zerotier-bird-router

Option 2: Build an image

  1. Clone to local machine

    git clone https://github.com/jvoss/zerotier-bird-router.git

  2. Build the image

  • Option A: Included versions of ZeroTier and BIRD2

    docker build -t zerotier-bird-router .

  • Option B: Specific versions of ZeroTier and/or BIRD2

    docker build -t zerotier-bird-router . --build-arg BIRD_VERSION=2.0.7 ZEROTIER_VERSION=1.6.4

Docker Compose

See example docker-compose.yml for details.



ZeroTier configuration can be accessed via CLI interactively with the container or by issuing commands to to the container:

Interactive shell:

docker exec -it <CONTAINER> /bin/sh
zerotier-cli listpeers

From Host:

docker exec <CONTAINER> zerotier-cli listpeers

Configuration persistence across restart is maintained by mounting a volume to: /var/lib/zerotier-one (See Running)


BIRD2 is installed in /opt/bird and configuration should be mounted to /opt/bird/etc prior to starting the container.

See the BIRD project documentation for more details.

Interactive shell:

docker exec -it <CONTAINER> birdc

Commands from Host:

docker exec <CONTAINER> birdc show protocols


Special permissions (NET_ADMIN) and access to /dev/nut/tun are required to allow Zerotier to create tunnel interfaces:

Docker >1.2.0:

  docker run --device=/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
         -v <persisted zerotier configuration volume>:/var/lib/zerotier-one \
         -v <persisted BIRD configuration volume>:/opt/bird/etc \