
Associations between color terms and conceptual-semantic dimensions in sighted and blind adults and word embeddings from various corpora

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

How do blind people know that blue is cold? Distributional semantics encode color-adjective associations.

This repository contains data and code for "How do blind people know that blue is cold?", presented at CogSci 2021.

The analyses presented at CogSci are documented in Jupyter notebooks (also included as html versions) as follows:

  • data_prep.ipynb contains code for cleaning participant data and merging those data with covariates such as Small World of Words occurrences and embedding projections computed from various corpora.
  • coca_icc_and_reading.ipynb contains analysis code for the effects of reading experience on the relation between participants' color-adjective associations and embedding projections.
  • coca_filtered.ipynb contains analysis code for the effects of various corpus filtering procedures on the relation between participants' color-adjective associations and embeddings projections. Raw and processed data files are located in the data directory. The paper directory contains the CogSci paper and associated files, the figures directory contains any figures used in the paper and/or poster.