
This repo houses tests used to verify Windows Stemcells function as expected.

Example configuration

These tests are run in the BOSH Windows Stemcells Pipeline.

You can create a config.json file, eg:

  "bosh": {
    "ca_cert": "<contents of your bosh director cert, with \n for newlines>",
    "client": "<bosh client name>",
    "client_secret": "<bosh client secret>",
    "target": "<IP of your bosh director>"
  "stemcell_path": "<absolute path to stemcell tgz>",
  "stemcell_os": "<stemcell OS either (windows2012R2 or windows2016)>",
  "az": "<area zone from bosh cloud config>",
  "vm_type": "<vm_type from bosh cloud config>",
  "vm_extensions": "<comma separated string of options, e.g. 50GB_ephemeral_disk>",
  "network": "<network from bosh cloud config>",
  "skip_cleanup": "<skip cleanup - if this is false all unused stemcells are deleted>"
  "skip_ms_update_test": "<skip check-updates errand - if true, it will not test that all Windows updates are installed>",
  "ssh_disabled_by_default": "check ssh daemon default startup type - if true then it checks that the startup type is DISABLED. If false or missing, checks startup type is AUTOMATIC",
  "security_compliance_applied": "check that Microsoft Baseline policies have been applied"

And then run these tests with CONFIG_JSON=<path-to-config.json> ginkgo.

The timeout for BOSH commands can be overridden with the BWATS_BOSH_TIMEOUT environment variable.

Release dependencies



  • Download go version 1.12.7 from Go's Downloads page
  • Add file as a bosh blob locally bosh add-blob <PATH TO DOWNLOAD LOCATION>/ golang-windows/

Internals of the release and what it does

This release has a few tests that verify if the features are installed on stemcell or not. There are few jobs on the BWATS release at [assets/bwats-release/jobs path](

When ginkgo tests are run, these jobs are installed on the stemcells and the tests in each job are run against it. As part of running BWATs there are several deployments done, to avoid conficts on same stemcell.