
Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BOSH Windows Stemcell Builder slack.cloudfoundry.org

This repo contains a set of scripts for automating the process of building BOSH Windows Stemcells.


Please submit PR's to the develop branch



gem install bundler
bundle install


rake build:aws                                                                 # Build AWS Stemcell
rake build:azure                                                               # Build Azure Stemcell
rake build:gcp                                                                 # Build GCP Stemcell
rake build:vsphere                                                             # Build VSphere Stemcell
rake build:vsphere_add_updates                                                 # Apply Windows Updates for VMX

rake package:agent                                                             # Package BOSH Agent and dependencies into agent.zip
rake package:psmodules                                                         # Package BOSH psmodules into bosh-psmodules.zip
rake package:vsphere_ova[ova_file_name,output_directory,version,updates_path]  # Package VSphere OVA files into Stemcells

rake publish:staging:azure                                                     # Stage an image to the Azure marketplace
rake publish:production:azure                                                  # Publish an image to the Azure marketplace
rake publish:finalize:azure                                                    # Wait for finalizing an image to the Azure marketplace

rake publish:gcp                                                               # Publish an image to GCP

In Concourse see Greenhouse CI for required environment variables for these tasks. For example, for rake build:vsphere refer to this task.yml.

Instructions for building a manual stemcell for vSphere can be found in the wiki.

Running the tests

bundler exec rspec

Acceptance testing for stemcells should be done with bosh-windows-acceptance-tests