👋 Hello, guys! This is a pixel art project, where we can paint pixels with the selected color, expand the frame size, clear a pixel or the entire frame, among other functions. In this project i practice the use of the conventional commits to version control.
📍 Here I use HTML, pure CSS and JavaScript for pratice the skills:
- DOM manipulation.
- JavaScript manipulation
- Use CSS properties
- Write HTML tags
📖 The project requirements were:
- Add to page the title "Paleta de Cores" ✔️
- Add to page a palette that contains four different colors ✔️
- Add black color as the first color in the palette ✔️
- Add a pixel board to the page, with 25 pixels ✔️
- Make each pixel board element have 40 pixels wide, 40 pixels high, and enclosed by a 1-pixel black border ✔️
- Set black color as initial color. When loading the page, the black color must already be selected to paint the pixels ✔️
- Clicking on one of the colors in the palette selects it and uses it to fill the pixels in the board ✔️
- Clicking on a pixel within the frame after selecting a color from the palette causes the pixel to be filled with the selected color ✔️
- Create a button that, when clicked, clears the board by filling the color of all its pixels with white ✔️
- Make the pixel board have its user defined size ✔️
- Limit the minimum and maximum board size ✔️
- Make the palette colors randomly generated when the page loads ✔️
🔗 Deploy here
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