
Duplication Files for Applied Machine Learning for Financial Modeling ASSINGMENT #1 Machine Learning & Inflation Forecasting Assignment2-3: Credit Default Forecasting Model code prepared by Jiaxi Wu (

For inflation forecasting model:

0: Clean BLS data and prepare it for prediction exercise

1: Load prediction tools (simplified version of an R package for easier local replication)

2: Tune prediction algorithms (with sample code for local and distributed/parallel tuning)

3: Fit the tuned models with tuning parameters determined in 2

4: Combine results from 3 and produce Table 1

0 and 1 have to be run before 2 or 3. 3 can be run without 2, using the tuning parameters we found through running 2. 4 uses results from 3.
Based on code by David Welgus and Valerie MichelmanJann Spiess, March/April 2017

For credit default model:

  1. Treat single to multiple defaults as “default” (Excel Column CR)

  2. For missing values, assign average of previous-available and next-available. If entire data class is missing, assign dummy variable.

  3. Randomly divide data into 1 training sample (T) and 1 hold-out sample (H). Disregard the discussion in class of doing 4 samples of equal size and go with this simpler approach.

  4. Method 1: OLS Used library algorithms to run OLS on T to generate and store the regression function. Test regression function on H and generate MSE and R2.

  5. Method 2: Regression Tree Use library algorithms and set tuning parameters to tree depth 8, minimum units in each non-terminal node 20, and R2 minimal improvement per split 1%. Run algorithm on T to generate and store prediction algorithm. Run prediction algorithm on H(rt) to generated MSE and R2.

  6. Assess methods 1 and 2 based on MSE and R2 and calculate value-add of best method.

For any questions and suggestions please email Jiaxi Wu at