
Point Cloud Sequence QoE Dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Point Cloud Sequence QoE Dataset

This repository contains the results of a user study on the quality of experience of point cloud sequences. Details can be found in the corresponding publication (see references).

Data Description

The results of the study are provided by two files participants.csv and ratings.csv. We further provide details about the resource requirements with resources.csv. The following sections describe their content and the used data types.


The table participants.csv contains the following information about each participant of the user study:

Column Name Data Type Description
participant Int Participant ID
gender String Gender with the options: female, male, diverse, omit (prefer not to say)
age String Age, grouped by ranges (e.g. 22-23)
screen_type String Options for used device type and screen size: smartphone (up to 7"), tablet (up to 12"), laptop (up to 18"), pc (up to 38"), tv (greater than 38"), other
screen_avail_width Int screen.availWidth from browser
screen_avail_height Int screen.availHeight from browser
screen_width Int screen.width from browser
screen_height Int screen.height from browser
experience_games_regular_screen Bool Participant has experience in "Playing video games on regular monitors / TVs"
experience_games_smartphone Bool Participant has experience in "Playing video games on handheld consoles and smartphones"
experience_games_vr Bool Participant has experience in "Playing video games on a virtual reality (VR) headset"
experience_360_interaction Bool Participant has experience in "Interacting with a 360 degree video"
experience_point_cloud_interaction Bool Participant has experience in "Interacting with point clouds"
experience_computer_graphics Bool Participant has experience in "Computer graphics (a subarea of computer science)"
first_object String The first point cloud object presented to the participant (dancer or thaidancer)
duration_total Int Total time (in milliseconds) spent for the study, including time for feedback
duration_introduction Int Time (in milliseconds) spent in the introduction
duration_reference_1 Int Time (in milliseconds) spent watching the first reference video (see first_object)
duration_reference_2 Int Time (in milliseconds) spent watching the second reference video


The table ratings.csv contains the quality ratings of each participant for each of the 120 experiment configurations:

Column Name Data Type Description
participant Int ID of the participant who submitted this rating
object String Shown object, is either dancer or thaidancer
distance String Distance of the camera to the object in near (2.5 units), medium (4.5 units), far (8.5 units)
frame_rate Int Frame rate in 10, 15, 30
encode_method String Used encoding method, either Draco or (frame-by-frame) V-PCC
quantization_level_index Int Quantization level index from 0 (high compression, low quality) to 4 (low compression, high quality)
qoe Int Quality rating in 1 (bad), 2 (poor), 3 (fair), 4 (good), 5 (excellent) for this configuration
duration Int Time (in milliseconds) spent watching this experiment configuration
size Int Video size in the browser (attribute height of the square-shaped video HTML element)
order Int Ordering of the experiments for each participant from 0 to 119


The table resources.csv contains encoding and decoding time together with the bit rate of the original and compressed streams. Note that the user study was restricted to object rate 30 for Draco.

Column Name Data Type Description
object String Object type, either dancer or ``thaidancer
encode_method String Used encoding method, either Draco or (frame-by-frame) V-PCC
quantization_level_index Int Quantization level index from 0 (high compression, low quality) to 4 (low compression, high quality)
object_rate Int Number of object per seconds in the sequence
encoding_time Float Encoding time per second of point cloud stream in seconds
decoding_time Float Decoding time per second of point cloud stream in seconds
bit_rate Float Bit rate of the uncompressed point cloud sequence in MBit/s
compressed_bit_rate Float Bit rate of the compressed point cloud sequence in MBit/s using the configuration from this row

Overview and QoE Models

This repository contains jupyter notebooks that provide an overview of the data (qoe_overview.ipynb) and create qoe models using various classical machine learning methods (qoe_model.ipynb). Although the models have a fixed random state, we noticed that the results can differ slightly between different systems.

The code has been tested with Python 3.11.3, the requirements are in requirements.txt.


You can find our paper here. If you use material provided in this repository, please cite it with

  author={Weil, Jannis and Alkhalili, Yassin and Tahir, Anam and Gruczyk, Thomas and Meuser, Tobias and Mu, Mu and Koeppl, Heinz and Mauthe, Andreas},
  booktitle={15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, 
  title={Modeling Quality of Experience for Compressed Point Cloud Sequences based on a Subjective Study}, 