
Enables TLS on SMTP connections (for services like GMail)

Primary LanguageRuby

= action_mailer_optional_tls
Allows Google Mail SMTP to be used with Ruby on Rails' ActionMailer.

== Install
  ./script/plugin install git://github.com/collectiveidea/action_mailer_optional_tls.git

== Configure

Add the following to your environment.rb file:

 ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
    :tls => true,
    :address => "smtp.gmail.com",
    :port => "587",
    :domain => "YOURDOMAIN",
    :authentication => :plain,
    :user_name => "GOOGLEUSERNAME",
    :password => "GOOGLEPASSWORD" 

== Webified Documentation


== Credits

This useful plugin is hosted at http://douglasfshearer.com as a public service, due to the continued downtime of http://kylemaxwell.com

Douglas F Shearer is neither the creator nor maintainer of this work, so if it's broke, it's broke.

Created by Kyle Maxwell - http://kylemaxwell.com/

Forked and adjusted by Nathan L. Walls - http://wallscorp.us/ to resolve the issue describe here: http://blog.inspired.no/smtp-error-while-using-gmail-in-rails-271 and satisfy differences between Ruby 1.8.6 and Ruby 1.8.7. Note: this is brittle, but solves a need.