
Simple blog application created using Ruby on Rails to demonstrate user authentication and authorization

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Ruby version 2.7.1
  • Rails verion
  • Run bundle install to install dependencies
  • Ensure you have postgress database up and running and set up your credentials in the database.yml file
  • Create database by running the command rake db:create and rake db:migrate
  • Run the command rake db:seed to dd seed data to the database
  • Run the command rspec to run the test suite
  • Run yarn install to install packages
  • To start the application, run the command rails s, an application will be started on your local server and can be accesed at the location localhost:3000

Demo application:

The demo application has been hosted on heroku, please view it here

Authentication and Authorization

The devise gem has been used to handle user authentication and pundit has been used to handle user authorization.

Admin account:

user: admin@gmail.com
password: topsecret

User account:

password: topsecret