
Combining React, Material-UI and Contentful

Started out with Material Kit React


  1. clone or get a copy of repo
  2. copy .env.EXAMPLE to .env and change values in the file
  3. import the model and example content as described below
  4. npm i
  5. npm start

Contentful model

The contentful model to use can be found in contentful-model. The mode-file consist of some example data.

To import the model

  1. copy ctf-config.EXAMPLE.json to ctf-config.json and change values in the file
  2. imoprt the data with contentful space import --content-file contentful-model.json --config ctf-config.json (add --content-model-only if you just want the model and no data)

This requires Contentful CLI. Please see for further reference


Submit formdata to Firebase and send form-submit-confirmation as mail using Sendgrid and sendgrid-gateway

An example can be found on url /form, backed by /src/views/Components/FormPage/FormPage.jsx

Live Demo

The site is deployed and running in Netlify. Please browse to to test it.