
Growl gem for ruby based on the applescript api

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This gem is based on the rb-appscript bindings to applescript

Benefits over all other growl gems:

  1. The user doesn't need to do anything but install the gem - no growl settings need to be changed and growlnotify cli doesn't need to be installed
  2. Thats about it



GrowlNotify.config do |config|
  config.notifications = ["Compass Application", "Someother Notification"]
  config.default_notifications = ["Compass Application"] 
  config.application_name = "My Application" #this shoes up in the growl applications list in systems settings

You can also set a globally scoped icon:

GrowlNotify.config do |config|
  config.notifications = ["Compass Application", "Someother Notification"]
  config.default_notifications = ["Compass Application"] 
  config.application_name = "My Application" #this shoes up in the growl applications list in systems settings
  config.icon = File.join("SOME PATH")


Notification levels:

  1. very_low: GrowlNotify.very_low(:title => 'HELLO WORLD', :description => 'Man that was cool')
  2. moderate: GrowlNotify.moderate(:title => 'HELLO WORLD', :description => 'Man that was cool')
  3. normal: GrowlNotify.normal(:title => 'HELLO WORLD', :description => 'Man that was cool')
  4. high: GrowlNotify.high(:title => 'HELLO WORLD', :description => 'Man that was cool')
  5. emergency: GrowlNotify.emergency(:title => 'HELLO WORLD', :description => 'Man that was cool')

Sticky messages

GrowlNotify.sticky!(:title => 'HELLO WORLD', :description => 'Man that was cool')


{:title => 'no title', :application_name => "My Application", :description => 'no description', :sticky => false, :priority => 0, :with_name => "Compass Application", :icon => <file path>}
  1. title - Title of message box
  2. description - Body of your message
  3. icon - Icon to show - pretty much all image formats are supported
  4. priority - importance of message from -2 very_low .. 2 emergency
  5. sticky - boolean if want the message to stick to the screen
  6. application_name - This is set from configs but you can override it
  7. with_name - must me one of your set default notifications by default its set to the first one


GrowlNotify is written by Scott Davis

Scott is a Developer for the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD - Hubble Space Telescope



Copyright (c) 2011 Scott Davis. See LICENSE.txt for further details.