ECSE 551 Assignment 1

Junhao Wang, Yinan Zhou, Ruilin Ji

For reproducing the results reported, please run the following three files cell by cell in colab, with python 3.6.

  • data_visualization.ipynb: This file consists of two parts. The data visualization part plots the distribution of the two categories and features on both datasets. The data analysis part plots the correlation heatmaps of features. The main, variance, and skewness of each feature are also calculated.
  • Exp_patients.ipynb: This file implements logistic regression and performs experiments on the Orthopedic Patients Dataset. The experiment results are already available in the output under corresponding cells. The experiments can also be replicated by running the cells one by one.
  • Exp_creditcard.ipynb: This file implements logistic regression and performs experiments on the Credit Card Dataset. The experiment results are already available in the output under corresponding cells. The experiments can also be replicated by running the cells one by one.