
School directory web application

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


NOTE: This won't work with Postgres > 9.6, because postgrex needs to be updated, which requires updates to many other packages. This is a problem when deploying to Heroku.

Web application to make school classroom directories. Built with Elixir and Phoenix.


  • mix ecto.setup

This will create a default user with email test@example.com and a password of secret (configurable in priv/repo/seeds.exs). Login and delete this user and create a user with a secure password.

Next, create Classes and Buses from within the admin interface. Those models will populate selection options on the main data entry page. At this point users can enter their information and the directory can be generated.


The main data entry point is served from /, it does not require a login. All administration is done from the /admin url, these paths do require a user login.

Email Notifications

The app can send email to inform the maintainer that a new entry has been received. To use this feature, define the environment variables described below. The application uses Mailgun to send email.

Environment Variables

Define the following environment variables to enable certain features

  • HTTPS_HOST: hostname to use in the config/prod.exs as the url:host name for forcing ssl
  • MAILGUN_DOMAIN: as specified in the Mailgun control panel, something like https://api.mailgun.net/v3/sandbox-our-domain.mailgun.org
  • MAILGUN_API_KEY: as specified in the Mailgun control panel
  • NOTIFY_EMAIL_TO and NOTIFY_EMAIL_FROM: also need to be defined to use the Mailgun interface
  • SUPPORT_EMAIL: if defined, adds a line of help text with a mailto link in to the top of the page

Heroku Setup

Follow this guide: http://www.phoenixframework.org/docs/heroku

  • heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  • heroku config:set POOL_SIZE=18
  • mix phoenix.gen.secret
  • heroku config:set HTTPS_HOST="XXXX"
  • heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE="XXXX"
  • heroku config:set MAILGUN_DOMAIN="XXXX"
  • heroku config:set MAILGUN_API_KEY="XXXX"
  • heroku config:set NOTIFY_EMAIL_TO="XXXX"
  • heroku config:set NOTIFY_EMAIL_FROM="XXXX"
  • heroku config:set SUPPORT_EMAIL="XXXX"
  • heroku run mix ecto.create (apparently you can ignore the errors...)
  • heroku run mix ecto.migrate
  • heroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs"
  • Log in with default credentials and set a real password


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).