
Elixir web app using Dynamo and Ecto

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a project built with Elixir that uses Dynamo to serve web requests and Ecto to interface with Postgres.

To setup:

  • mix deps.get
  • mix db.create
  • mix db.seed
  • mix server to start the webserver

Postgres Setup

This application assumes Postgres is configured properly. You must have either DATABASE_URL (Heroku style) defined to reference the database to use or have a local postgres install with the current user having privleges on the database infogather.

 CREATE DATABASE infogather;

To connect to a Heroku database of a deployed application, use heroku pg:psql --app <app-name>

There is a mix helper defined to create the required tables. Run mix db.create.

Postgres Commands

Some postgres commands that are useful

  • psql <dbname> to connect to the database
  • \dt list tables
  • \q to close the connection

Useful sql

  INSERT INTO bus (name) VALUES ('A New bus');
  INSERT INTO classroom (grade_level, name) VALUES (1, 'First Grade, Teacher C');
  UPDATE bus SET name = '--None--' WHERE id = 1;
  DELETE FROM data; -- deletes all rows from table
  DELETE FROM bus WHERE id = 22; -- delete an individual row
  DROP TABLE bus; -- delete the table

Environment Variables

Define the following environment variables to enable certain features

  • SENDGRID_USERNAME and SENDGRID_PASSWORD: to send email using the Heroku SendGrid Addon
  • NOTIFY_EMAIL_TO and NOTIFY_EMAIL_FROM: also need to be defined to use the SendGrid Addon
  • SUPPORT_EMAIL: if defined, adds a line of help text with a mailto link in to the top of the page