
A ruby wrapper for the blippex search engine API, made bythe people, forthe people

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Bitdeli Badge Gem Version Build Status Dependency Status Code Climate Coverage Status


A ruby wrapper for the blippex search engine made bythe people, forthe people.

You can find out more about the Blippex API here.


Getting Started

In order to be able to send API requests you'll first need to install the blippex_api gem.

gem install blippex_api

Once you have completed the steps above, you can now create an instance of a BlippexAPI::Client:

require 'blippex_api'
api = BlippexAPI::Client.new

If you now look at your BlippexAPI object instance it will be similar to the following:

@user_agent="BlippexAPI Ruby Gem 1.0.0">

Example requests

Now that you have an BlippexAPI::Client instance you can now make requests.

info endpoint


The response is returned within a Hashie::Mash instance.

  "search_count_history"=> [

search endpoint

api.search :q => 'Lakers', :w => 20, :d => 2, :highlight => 1, :limit => 1, :offset => 1

As above, the response is returned within a Hashie::Mash instance.

  "request"=> {
    "results"=> [
        "title"=>"Clare Sayas (claresayas) on about.me",
          " of the community managers for EdelmanSV.\nOn a mission to help entrepreuners find their voice and advance the field of public engagement.\n<mark>Lakers</mark> fan, film/tv enthusiast, relentless home",
        "score"=> {

ratelimitstatus endpoint


As above, the response is returned within a Hashie::Mash instance.

  "data"=> {
    "info"=> {
    "search"=> {

To find out more information about Hashie please visit the following link: https://github.com/intridea/hashie.


There are a number of unit tests which are included as part of this project, please run:

rspec spec

Please note that a number of tests still need to be added so I don't currently have complete coverage, subject to workload these will be slowly added over the next few months.


I would be more than happy to recieve feedback, please email me at: jonathan.chrisp@gmail.com.