A simple command line parser to pass default and custom arguments into Cucumber with the power to define these as tasks in a config/tasks.yml file!
Cukesparse parses command line arguments and sets default arguments from the config/task.yml file. For example please see the full list of options within the example config below:
feature_order: ['features/featureOne', 'features/featureTwo', 'features/featureThree']
# These cucumber defaults will be set if not passed in from cli
format: 'pretty'
name: ['feature1', 'feature2']
tags: ['tags1', 'tags2']
strict: true
verbose: true
dry_run: true
guess: true
expand: true
# These runtime defaults will be set if not passed in from cli
environment: 'release'
log_level: 'debug'
cleanup: true
database: true
jenkins: true
retries: 5
timeout: 60
screen: 1280/1024
screenwidth: 1280
screenheight: 1024
position: 0/0
xposition: 0
yposition: 0
highlight: true
# Will always be added to end of of the system command
defaults: ['--format html', '--out report.html', '-P -s']
You can have many highlevel tasks defined within your config/tasks.yml file. In the above example we only have the task test_task
. Please note that the screen and position config options will set screenwidth/screenheight or xposition/yposition parameters. You should use screen/position or define the individual options only within the config file!
Lets say we have the following simple config file options defined:
feature_order: ['features/featureOne', 'features/featureTwo', 'features/featureThree']
format: 'pretty'
environment: 'release'
log_level: 'debug'
defaults: ['--format html', '--out coverage/report.html', '-P -s']
If you were to run the following command cukesparse test_task -t test
cukesparse would be passed the following arguments:
["test_task", "-t", "test"]
Cukesparse would then collate and produce the following parameters hash:
{:tags=>["--tags test"], :format=>"--format pretty", :environment=>"ENVIRONMENT=release", :log_level=>"LOG_LEVEL=debug"}
As no environment
, log_level
arguments were passed the runtime defaults from the config/tasks.yml are used. The following command line output would be produced and run:
bundle exec cucumber --require features/ features/featureOne features/featureTwo features/featureThree --tags test
ENVIRONMENT=release LOG_LEVEL=debug FORMAT=pretty --format html --out coverage/report.html -P -s
If you need to view the tasks within config file from the command line just type: cukesparse tasks
Cukesparse accepts the following command line arguments:
'-t' e.g. -t @abc
'-n --name' e.g. -n Login
'-f --format' e.g. -f pretty
'-d --dry-run'
'-v --verbose'
'-s --strict'
'-g --guess'
'-x --expand'
All arguments below have been setup for a custom project but are useful.
'-e --environment' e.g. -e release
'-l --loglevel' e.g. -l debug
'-c --controller' e.g. -c chrome
'-h --headless'
'--retries' e.g. --retries 5
'--timeout' e.g. --timeout 60
'--screen' e.g. --screen 1024/1280
'--position' e.g. --position 0/0
'--screenwidth' e.g. --screenwidth 1024
'--screenheight' e.g. --screenheight 1280
'--xposition' e.g. --xposition 0
'--yposition' e.g. --yposition 0
'-H --highlight'
The command line option below parses the arguments and displays the original arguments that were passed, the parameters created and the command line that would be passed to system.
When the --debug
argument is passed it only outputs what would have been produced and isn't run.
So for example if you ran the following:
cukesparse test_task -t test --debug
You would get the following returned in the console:
DEBUG: Outputting ARGV passed
["test_task", "-t", "test", "--debug"]
DEBUG: Outputting parsed config file
{"test_task"=>{"feature_order"=>["features/featureOne", "features/featureTwo", "features/featureThree"], "cucumber_defaults"=>{"format"=>"pretty"}, "runtime_defaults"=>{"environment"=>"release", "log_level"=>"debug"}, "defaults"=>["--format html", "--out coverage/report.html", "-P -s"]}}
DEBUG: Outputting parameters created
{:tags=>["--tags test"], :debug=>"DEBUG=TRUE", :format=>"--format pretty", :environment=>"ENVIRONMENT=release", :log_level=>"LOG_LEVEL=debug"}
DEBUG: Outputting command created
bundle exec cucumber --require features/ features/featureOne features/featureTwo features/featureThree --tags test DEBUG=TRUE --format pretty ENVIRONMENT=release LOG_LEVEL=debug --format html --out coverage/report.html -P -s
There are a number of unit tests which are included as part of this project which are run by rspec. Please run:
rspec spec/
I would be more than happy to recieve feedback, please email me at: jonathan.chrisp@gmail.com